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PlanU: escoge la mejor carrera y universidad para ti (Coursera)

Este curso fue diseñado para que el participante desarrolle herramientas para tomar decisiones de carrera y universidad de una manera segura y sistemática. Durante las próximas semanas, nuestros estudiantes, recorrerán un camino con variadas y divertidas oportunidades de aprendizaje a través de las cuales conocerán y cuestionarán diferentes aspectos [...]

Introducción al Aprendizaje Universitario (Coursera)

Este es un MOOC introductorio al aprendizaje universitario, a través del cual, el estudiante podrá conocer aspectos fundamentales que intervienen en el aprendizaje y rendimiento académico universitario. Representa a la vez una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre el propio quehacer académico como estudiante, así como una instancia para conocer [...]

Preparing to Learn Online at University (FutureLearn)

Apr 22nd 2024
Preparing to Learn Online at University (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Need advice on how to study online? Discover study techniques and skills for learning online as part of your university studies. Improve your online study skills and get academic online learning tips. Learning online is very different from learning in an on-campus classroom and often involves independent study. On [...]
Apr 22nd 2024
Course Auditing
34.00 EUR

Managing Study, Stress and Mental Health at University (edX)

Develop a clearer understanding of what mental health is, and learn how best to recognise and respond to mental health concerns, such as negative thoughts and behaviours, in yourself and others. This short course is a German-Australian collaboration developed in response to the growing need to provide students with [...]

Mastering Remote Work and Online Study in U.S. in the post-COVID Era (Coursera)

TAre you ready for the new, COVID-forced, online learning paradigm? This competency-based, skill-building course will help non-U.S. students, first-generation immigrants, and foreign-born professionals better understand and master American online learning, as well as other U.S. virtual environments, for college and career success. In the post-COVID era, the course can [...]

Study UK: Preparing for work (FutureLearn)

Nov 20th 2023
Study UK: Preparing for work (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Get ready to search for and start a new job by identifying and building the employability skills needed to find your career path. Learn how to identify your strengths and use them in your career. In the last ten years there have been more than 12 million international graduates of UK education.

Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing (Coursera)

This course is for teachers to learn why some children have so much difficulty with reading and writing, often called 'dyslexia', and to learn more about best practice in teaching literacy to all in light of recent scientific discoveries. Participation in or completion of this online course will not [...]

Fired Up About Energy (edX)

Self Paced
Fired Up About Energy (edX)
Course Auditing
Fired Up About Energy – explores common student misconceptions related to the study of energy and suggests methods for effectively representing and discussing the topic in the classroom. This online workshop: “Fired up about Energy ” is based on ideas presented in Good Thinking! an original animated series developed [...]

How To Motivate Yourself to Study: Reflect and Act (Skillshare)

Have you already tried everything, but keep having trouble getting the motivational juices flowing? This course looks broader than the traditional, more cliché, ways to motivate yourself. Inspired by Maslow's Hierachy of Needs, this new perspective also includes strategies that you can use when you are struggling with loneliness, [...]