Video Games

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Game Design and Development 3: 3D Shooter (Coursera)

If you love games and want to learn how to make them, then this course is your third step down that path. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of game design, including an understanding of level design, game balancing, prototyping, and playtesting, as well as game asset [...]

Game Developers and Esports Organizations (Coursera)

Before you can have an Esport, you must have a video game to play and a game developer to design it. This course is dedicated to discussing game developers and their relationship with their respective Esport. The content will help you recognize the qualities a video game must have [...]

Diseño de videojuegos (Coursera)

Dentro de la creación del videojuego, ¿qué papel juega su diseño? Este curso proporciona conocimientos y pautas sobre cómo diseñar un videojuego. Partiendo desde un concepto básico, se dan las pautas para trabajar correctamente sus conentidos, de cara a conseguir un objetivo claro: el documento de “game concept” que [...]

Arte 3D y animación en videojuegos (Coursera)

En este curso abordamos los aspectos artísticos de la creación del videojuego. Para ello, proporcionaremos conocimientos y pautas sobre cómo diseñar la parte artística de un videojuego. Esto incluye diferentes aspectos. Desde la creación de entornos, al diseño de personajes, movimientos e incluso [...]

Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¡Bienvenido al curso de emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos! Este curso es parte del Programa Especializado Coursera en Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos, en la cual aprenderás a diseñar y programar cierto tipo de videojuegos, aumentarás tu comprensión acerca del mercado actual de videojuegos y [...]

Story and Narrative Development for Video Games (Coursera)

In this course, you will examine how storytelling acts as a vital mechanism for driving video gameplay forward. Looking at several historical and contemporary games, you will be asked to evaluate and interpret different story styles with the goal of identifying themes and procedures for your own game ideas. [...]

Character Design for Video Games (Coursera)

In this course you will explore concepts and approaches involved in creating successful character designs that can be applied to video games. Following a first week delving into some foundational concepts for successful character design, each of the remaining three weeks are structured as a "master class" where you [...]

Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative (Coursera)

Intended for both newcomers who are curious about video games and experienced gamers who want to reflect on their passion, this course will explore what happens to stories, paintings, and films when they become the basis of massively multiplayer online games. The Lord of the Rings trilogy—the novels, [...]

Introduction to C++ Programming and Unreal (Coursera)

This course is all about starting to learn how to develop video games using the C++ programming language and the Unreal Engine on Windows or Mac. This course assumes you have previous programming experience in some other language. Although we'll start at the very beginning for C++, hardly anybody [...]

Current Gen 3D Game Prop Production (Coursera)

In this course you will learn to create a photo-real game prop using modern game art production techniques. You will gather reference, generate a base model, create a high polygon model, bake details onto a low poly model, and then texture and present a final portfolio piece. This course [...]