Agile Development

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Princípios de Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software (Coursera)

Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios orientados a objetos, TDD e conceitos avançados de Java aplicados à Web e banco de dados exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável [...]

TDD - Desenvolvimento de Software Guiado por Testes (Coursera)

Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, com método e organização graças às boas práticas e princípios exercitados no curso anterior; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em projetar programas usando técnicas ágeis, como o desenvolvimento guiado por testes [...]

Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¡Bienvenido al curso de emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos! Este curso es parte del Programa Especializado Coursera en Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos, en la cual aprenderás a diseñar y programar cierto tipo de videojuegos, aumentarás tu comprensión acerca del mercado actual de videojuegos y [...]

Agile Meets Design Thinking (Coursera)

Despite everyone's good intentions, hard work and solid ideas, too many projects end up creating unneeded, unusable, and unsellable products. But it doesn't have to be this way. Agile and design thinking offer a different--and effective--approach to product development, one that results in valuable solutions to meaningful problems. In [...]

Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum (Coursera)
Course Auditing
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to embrace the Agile concepts of adaptive planning, iterative development, and continuous improvement - resulting in early deliveries and value to customers. This course will benefit anyone who wants to get started with working the Agile way. It is particularly [...]
May 6th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

Developing an Agile Team (Coursera)

Now that you have undergone personal information, you will be better prepared to empathize, understand, and mentor individual members of your team on a similar journey. Leading teams towards change-resilience is not as simple as knowing and understanding the psychology of individuals multiplied by a number of team members. [...]

Agile Leadership: Introduction to Change (Coursera)

This is a foundational course in the Agile Leadership Specialization. By the end of this course, you will build an understanding of key agile leadership concepts. You will begin building a toolbox that will give you an ability to evaluate and create a baseline for yourself as an agile [...]

Agile Leader Training (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn the neuroscience of change, why we are so change-averse, how to train for change resilience, and most importantly, you will begin developing a practice to help you be prepared for changes in personal life and in your career. You will learn specific strategies [...]

Desenvolvimento Ágil com Padrões de Projeto (Coursera)

Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em lidar com cenários mais complexos, onde é difícil desenvolver software com código de qualidade com [...]

Hypothesis-Driven Development (Coursera)

To deliver agile outcomes, you have to do more than implement agile processes- you have to create focus around what matters to your user and constantly test your ideas. This is easier said than done, but most of today’s high-functioning innovators have a strong culture of experimentation. In this [...]