Agile Management

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Agile Project Management (Coursera)

May 11th 2024
Agile Project Management (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the fifth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore the history, approach, and philosophy of Agile project management, including the Scrum framework. You will learn how to differentiate and blend Agile and other project management approaches. As you progress through the course, [...]

Working as a Scrum Master (Coursera)

With the evolving trends, it’s become essential for project management in all development spheres to take on a new avatar. Organizations are looking forward to more efficient ways to manage their development projects. Agile and Scrum methodologies have to some extent met the changing needs of the management environment. [...]

Agile Project Management (Coursera)

The goal of this third course in the Project Management Specialization examines the philosophy and process of managing projects using Agile project management. Students in this course will learn the Agile philosophy and process including the Scrum framework, sprints, and user stories. Upon completion of this course, you will [...]

A Organização Centrada na Jornada do Cliente (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso A Organização Centrada na Jornada no Cliente. Neste curso, você aprenderá que objetivos de negócio de uma empresa somente podem ser atingidos se houver co-criação de valor entre seus profissionais e fornecedores. Para tanto, os clientes devem estar no centro de suas definições e atividades. [...]

Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Introduction to Agile Development and Scrum (Coursera)
Course Auditing
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to embrace the Agile concepts of adaptive planning, iterative development, and continuous improvement - resulting in early deliveries and value to customers. This course will benefit anyone who wants to get started with working the Agile way. It is particularly [...]
May 6th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

Data-Driven Leadership Skills Course 1: Leadership Narrative (Coursera)

This course will explore the theme of 'Authenticity' in leadership by introducing you to the history of leadership theory going back to Ancient Greece. We will establish how traditional leadership became so important. We will also explore how traditional leadership began to unravel when leadership went scientific. We explain [...]

Data-Driven Leadership Skills Course 3: Data-Driven Leaders (Coursera)

Analyse the role of data, volume, quality, and timeliness, in decision making and critically evaluate, with particular reference to digital data, traditional leadership models. In this course, you will learn the importance of data to leadership in the 21st Century and how this is a game-changer compared with earlier [...]

Data-Driven Leadership Skills Course 2: Agile Leadership (Coursera)

In this course, we describe how agility became increasingly important in the 21st Century. We explore the role of information communication in disrupting hierarchical leadership. We will explore the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world of the 21st Century and look at how the traditional discipline of strategic [...]

Productivity and Systems Development (Coursera)

This course provides hands-on experience with technology-based productivity tools, as well as foundational knowledge and understanding of system design and development. The course is designed to integrate concepts of hardware, software, and the Internet. This course also provides an overview of data security, data privacy, and ways to increase [...]

PM4R Agile: mentalidad ágil en proyectos de desarrollo (edX)

¿Trabajas en proyectos de desarrollo e impacto social y necesitas mejorar el ritmo de ejecución de tu proyecto? ¿Quieres motivar a tu equipo y aplicar un enfoque ágil en tus proyectos? Aprende los principios básicos de la agilidad y a desarrollar una mentalidad ágil que mejore los resultados de [...]