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Preparing Data for Analysis with Microsoft Excel (Coursera)

This course forms part of the Microsoft Power BI Analyst Professional Certificate. This Professional Certificate consists of a series of courses that offers a good starting point for a career in data analysis using Microsoft Power BI. In this course, you’ll learn how to make use of Excel in [...]

International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague (Coursera)

International Law in Action explains the functions of each international court and tribunal present in The Hague, and it looks at how these institutions address contemporary problems. On the basis of selected cases, and through interviews with judges and lawyers, you will explore the role of these courts and [...]

AIDS: Fear and Hope (Coursera)

The basic biology of the virus, HIV, and the disease it causes, AIDS. The economic, social and political factors that determine who gets sick and who remains healthy, who lives and who dies. The progress of scientific research and medical treatments. The reasons for hope; the reasons for fear.

Get Organized: How to be a Together Teacher (Coursera)

This course is designed for classroom teachers who juggle time-sensitive tasks and often-exhausting teaching schedules. With an eye toward long-term sustainability, The Together Teacher examines the purpose for planning ahead, provides tools for tracking time commitments, deadlines and tasks, and helps teachers develop a personal organization system that interacts [...]

Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us (Coursera)

The vital signs – heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and pain – communicate important information about the physiological status of the human body. In this six-part course we explore the anatomy and physiology underlying the vital signs so that you will develop a systematic, integrated understanding [...]

Sit Less, Get Active (Coursera)

Physical inactivity and sedentariness are “silent killers”. Do you feel like you spend too much time sitting? Do you feel like you would like to be more active? Are you unsure about how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life? We are here to help. Join us [...]

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential (Coursera)

Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding [...]

Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People (Coursera)

¡Hola! ¿Como Estas? In this entry level course, you will take the first step toward exploring the foundations of Spanish grammar and pronunciation, and will begin to build a working vocabulary of common Spanish words and expressions. You will be able to talk about yourself, your family and friends [...]

Trabaja inteligentemente, no más duro: Gestión del tiempo para la productividad personal y profesional (Coursera)

Podrás aplicar los conocimientos que adquieras en cuanto a conciencia personal y profesional, organización y compromiso, y utilizar las herramientas, técnicas y métodos aprendidos para fijarte metas, jerarquizar tareas, programar y delegar, todo con el fin de superar las dificultades asociadas a la gestión del tiempo y mejorar la [...]