Comparative Politics

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Comparative Political Systems (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Comparative Political Systems (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Comparative politics covers a wide variety of topics and themes. The course starts with the definition of the comparative method giving special emphasis to concept formation and historical and institutional approaches. The bulk of the course is devoted to the theory of coalitions and the processes of government formation, [...]

Сравнительная политика (Comparative Politics) (Coursera)

Курс дает студентам двойную выгоду. Они учатся ЧТО и КАК сравнивать. Они изучают важнейшие институты, режимы и практики. Они осваивают целый ряд способов анализа от всеохватных до казусно ориентированных сравнений.

Understanding EU-Russia Relations: Foreign Policy Actors, Institutions and Policy-Making (UT)

The main aim of the course is to give students an introduction to and overview of the EU’s and Russia’s foreign policy actors, institutions and frameworks of both entities’ interactions. The course combines various formats of e-learning possibilities (video lectures, short audio podcasts, guest video interviews, skills workshops, etc.). [...]