Data Manipulation

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Power BI Integration with AWS and Snowflake (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Power BI Integration with AWS and Snowflake (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the course on Power BI Integration with AWS and Snowflake. Design and build data models on Snowflake using Snowflake Architecture's unique schema . Manage the hosting of datasets on AWS and connect them with Power BI to stream data and use it to visualize data.

Excel aplicado a los negocios (Nivel Avanzado) (Coursera)

Objetivos Generales: Al finalizar el curso, podrás: 1.- ENTENDER y profundizar convenientemente aspectos específicos de diferentes formas de trabajo (individual o grupal), 2.- EVALUAR el uso de funciones avanzadas para manipular datos y CREAR tus propios análisis utilizando técnicas específicas tales como tablas dinámicas, análisis de hipótesis, [...]

Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Supply Chain (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Supply Chain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will teach you how to leverage the power of Python to understand complicated supply chain datasets. Even if you are not familiar with supply chain fundamentals, the rich data sets that we will use as a canvas will help orient you with several Pythonic tools and best [...]

Data Manipulation in JavaScript (Coursera)

This course builds on the skills from the previous course and goes further into managing and manipulating data with JavaScript. You will learn methods for validating and handling data provided by users or coming from an external data source. This course includes a challenge in the form of a [...]

Functional Programming in Scala Capstone (Coursera)

In the final capstone project you will apply the skills you learned by building a large data-intensive application using real-world data. You will implement a complete application processing several gigabytes of data. This application will show interactive visualizations of the evolution of temperatures over time all over the [...]

The R Programming Environment (Coursera)

This course provides a rigorous introduction to the R programming language, with a particular focus on using R for software development in a data science setting. Whether you are part of a data science team or working individually within a community of developers, this course will give you [...]

Data Analysis with Tableau (Coursera)

The Data Analysis with Tableau Course will teach you how to manipulate and prepare data for analysis and reporting. You will also learn how to use the analytics features in Tableau to more effectively calculate analytics versus manual calculations. In this course, you will perform exploratory data analysis as [...]

Data Analysis Using SQL (Coursera)

In this comprehensive course, you will embark on a transformative journey to master the art of analyzing data through SQL. SQL is a powerful tool used for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. Throughout this course, you will acquire the essential skills to efficiently extract relevant data from [...]

Data Wrangling with Python Project (Coursera)

The "Data Wrangling Project" course provides students with an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained throughout the specialization in a real-life data wrangling project of their interest. Participants will follow the data wrangling pipeline step by step, from identifying data sources to processing and integrating data, to achieve a [...]

Data Processing and Manipulation (Coursera)

The "Data Processing and Manipulation" course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of various data processing and manipulation concepts and tools. Participants will learn how to handle missing values, detect outliers, perform sampling and dimension reduction, apply scaling and discretization techniques, and explore data cube and pivot table operations. [...]