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Next-Generation Firewalls and Intrusion Prevention (Coursera)

The dynamic landscape of network security, the mastery of advanced tools is imperative. This course is crafted to equip participants with an in-depth understanding of next-generation firewalls and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), pivotal components in contemporary network security.

Connecting to Devices and Networks (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Connecting to Devices and Networks (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Practice managing devices and networks without installing anything! This course is designed for learners with no technical experience, providing a solid foundation of connecting to devices and networks. Learners will gain hands-on practice on an Ubuntu system that can be easily transferred to other Unix-based operating systems. The modules [...]

Seguridad informática: defensa contra las artes oscuras digitales (Coursera)

Este curso cubre una amplia variedad de conceptos, herramientas y mejores prácticas de seguridad de TI. Introduce amenazas y ataques, y las muchas formas en que pueden aparecer. Te daremos algunos antecedentes de algoritmos de cifrado y cómo se utilizan para salvaguardar los datos. Luego, nos sumergiremos en los [...]

Check Point Jump Start: SMB Network Security (Coursera)

This course introduces you to Check Point's Small and Medium Business (SMB) network security appliances. You will learn how to deploy, configure, manage, and monitor network security policy on the SMB appliance platform. When you complete this course, you will understand the features and functionality of the current Small [...]

Managing Network Security (Coursera)

Almost every organization uses computer networks to share their information and to support their business operations. When we allow network access to data it is exposed to threats from inside and outside of the organization. This course examines the threats associated with using internal and external networks [...]

Advanced Junos Concepts (Firewall Filters, IPv6, CoS) (Coursera)

This course will describe some advanced Junos OS concepts such as firewall filters and their use as a means of protecting a device from excessive traffic. An overview of the benefits and purpose of class of service (CoS) will be provided along with the implementation of traffic classification, queuing, [...]

Secure Networked System with Firewall and IDS (Coursera)

In this MOOC, we will focus on learning how network systems are secured using firewalls and IDS. This will include understanding the basic components of network security, constructing a dual-firewall DMZ, and defining security policies to implement and enforce these rules. Building upon these lessons we will [...]

Detecting and Mitigating Cyber Threats and Attacks (Coursera)

Computer attacks and data breaches are inevitable. It seems like every day a data breach occurs and the victims of the data breach suffer. Their information is stolen or posted online. The company’s or businesses who had the breach go on, learn a little from the [...]

OS Security (Coursera)

This course provides you with the opportunity to learn about OS security. It examines both Windows and Linux operating systems. The career skills acquired in the course introduce the understanding of OS operating system security and its importance in operating system support.