Market Research

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Fundamentos de las Ventas y el Marketing con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Fundamentos de las Ventas y el Marketing con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)
Free Course
Este curso online gratuito es uno de los 10 cursos disponibles en la colección Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women, diseñado para emprendedoras listas para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel. Este curso te ayudará a desarrollar tus estrategias de marketing y a construir tu marca a medida que tu negocio [...]

Research Report: Delivering Insights (Coursera)

You have completed all the hard work of conducting your internal, secondary, and primary research. You have analyzed all the data and are able to formulate insights and recommendations based on your research proposal. But what is the best way to present your findings and be able to make [...]

Research Proposal: Initiating Research (Coursera)

Market Research is a growing and important field that is used in many industries around the world. Given all the data that is collected whether by organizations, industries, social media, governments, etc., it’s important that someone can review and sift through all the noise to provide valuable insights. And [...]

Qualitative Research (Coursera)

In this course, the second in the Market Research Specialization, you will go in-depth with qualitative market research methods, from design to implementation to analysis.What you will learn: explain limitations and risks of qualitative research; create a moderator guide and design a screening questionnaire to recruit for a focus [...]

Quantitative Research (Coursera)

In this course, you will obtain some insights about marketing to help determine whether there is an opportunity that actually exists in the marketplace and whether it is valuable and actionable for your organization or client. What you will learn: predict common pitfalls in designing and implementing quantitative research [...]

Investigación de mercados y comportamiento del consumidor (Coursera)

El primer curso de este especialización consta de dos bloques que te proveerán de los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar tu trayectoria en Marketing. Aprende las herramientas y técnicas para convertir una decisión en una investigación real, esto lo verás en el primer módulo: Investigación de Mercado. Cómo plantear la [...]

English for Business and Entrepreneurship (Coursera)

Welcome to English for Business and Entrepreneurship, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in learning more about [...]

Innovation for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Marketplace (Coursera)

Develop insights on navigating the innovation process from idea generation to commercialization. Build knowledge on how to create strategies to bring innovations to market. Develop an innovation portfolio for your venture. We establish a framework for examining the innovation process, and quickly transition into exploring how to successfully bring [...]

Understanding the Campaign Components (Coursera)

Welcome to "Understanding Campaign Components", the second course of the specialization, Strategic Communication Campaigns. In this course, you will learn how to design and develop a strategic communication campaign from start to finish. You will learn how to identify a brand's communication problem and create a solution by using [...]

Introduction to Market Research (Coursera)

This course concentrates on the foundations of market research. You will be introduced to the essentials and nature of market research, the research process and the importance of a research proposal. Focus will be devoted to problem formulation, problem solving, research questions and research objectives. The course will be [...]