Natural Language

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Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models (Coursera)

In Course 3 of the Natural Language Processing Specialization, offered by, you will: a) Train a neural network with GLoVe word embeddings to perform sentiment analysis of tweets, b) Generate synthetic Shakespeare text using a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) language model, c) Train a recurrent neural network to [...]

Information Extraction from Free Text Data in Health (Coursera)

In this MOOC, you will be introduced to advanced machine learning and natural language processing techniques to parse and extract information from unstructured text documents in healthcare, such as clinical notes, radiology reports, and discharge summaries. Whether you are an aspiring data scientist or an early or mid-career professional [...]

Machine Translation (Coursera)

Welcome to the CLICS-Machine Translation MOOC. This MOOC explains the basic principles of machine translation. Machine translation is the task of translating from one natural language to another natural language. Therefore, these algorithms can help people communicate in different languages. Such algorithms are used in common applications, from Google [...]

AI For Medical Treatment (Coursera)

AI is transforming the practice of medicine. It’s helping doctors diagnose patients more accurately, make predictions about patients’ future health, and recommend better treatments. This Specialization will give you practical experience in applying machine learning to concrete problems in [...]

AI Applications with Watson (edX)

Self Paced
AI Applications with Watson (edX)
Course Auditing
Turbocharge your chatbot's IQ and AI capabilities with IBM Watson Discovery and powered by Watson Assistant. Learn to use and program tools and assitant services such as Tone Analyzer and Personality Insights to build queries, extract information big data repositories.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) (edX)

Learn the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and apply them. Design intelligent agents to solve real-world problems including, search, games, machine learning, logic, and constraint satisfaction problems. What do self-driving cars, face recognition, web search, industrial robots, missile guidance, and tumor detection have in common? They are all complex [...]

Natural Language Processing and Language Understanding in Educational Research (edX)

An introduction to analysis of language data for educational researchers. This course offers an overview of natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU) for educational practitioners, leaders, and researchers. This class introduces analysis of and analytical tools for research work with unstructured data such as student writing, [...]